Monday, June 07, 2010

Rainbow Chip Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Normally, I am not a fan of packaged cookies, finding them hard and crunchy rather than the soft deliciousness that is a homemade cookie. But I have to say, my mind was blown with the consumption of Keebler's Rainbow Chocolate Chip cookies. I mean, this takes packaged goodies to a whole new level.

What I am saying is: YOU DON'T HAVE TO DIP THESE IN MILK TO MAKE THEM EDIBLE. You're welcome to, but it's a choice with these guys, instead of a requirement.

So everyone, please, go buy these today and eat them all. Throw your diets out the window and have good old-fashioned cookie time. Whether or not you would then like to go to the gym is up to you. Secret Hint to make these even better? Put them in the refrigerator (thanks Cal). Let's celebrate summer with a guilt-free enjoyment of something we all love (cookies!!!!).

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