Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Smoothie Making

Working at a smoothie place finally paid off: I inadvertently made one of their smoothies (I was just adding whatever ingredients we had, although mine uses no yogurt) and was lucky enough to get the proportions right by sight. Here's an approximate recipe:
  1. Add ~10 oz apple juice to blender (about a glassful)
  2. 2 cups ice
  3. 1/2 fresh banana
  4. ~2 cups fresh strawberries
  5. 1/2 cup frozen raspberries
  6. ~3/4 - 1 cup fresh cut pineapple
Blend and enjoy! Makes about 24 oz (double-sized glass)

*** All of these ingredients can be used fresh/frozen, but keep the proportions in mind, frozen fruits=thicker smoothie when blended, fresh fruits=thinner; and ice is used as a thickener***

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