Monday, January 30, 2012

Birthday Recap

My 22nd birthday was officially on Saturday, thank you to all the friends and family who called/texted/facebooked me and wished me a happy birthday. You are all super. Cal came over for breakfast (eggs and toast) and we hung out and watched Spongebob, drank tea and ate snacks for a few hours. We went hiking in the woods by my house and took a walk because it was such a nice day out. After we got back, I got ready to go to his house where we were going to hang out with his roommates and celebrate there. We got some giant pizza slices and watched Harry Potter and just had a lot of fun. It was such a nice day. He got me a Sims expansion pack that I already have so now I get a round two present after he figures out what it's gonna be. Yeyyy. 

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