
Tuesday, September 06, 2011

My first three-course meal

Last night we had our first real French dinner, which includes three courses and two hours to complete. Most restaurants here offer deals where you get a certain amount of courses and a drink for 12-40 Euros usually. The first course was a salad with smoked salmon, avocado, tomato, lemon and palm hearts and some dressing I've never had before. The second and main course was chicken delicious delicious curry and perfectly cooked rice. The dessert was a French apple pie with ice cream, except the pie was flat and round made of what looked like filo dough. The French also don't drink with their dinner except water, and then the water is served in tiny tiny glasses. Not enough, for sure. 

After that, we took a nighttime boat tour of the Seine and saw all the sights again we went to during the day lit up at night, including the Eiffel Tower. It was sooooo cold though! Tonight we are all going to have a picnic at the Eiffel Tower and possibly hang out at the Seine afterwards for our last night in Paris. Tomorrow we go to Versailles! 

(For photos of the three-course meal, stay tuned for the first French Food Friday!)

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