
Wednesday, September 07, 2011

A Quick Update

This is a cheese shop in Paris!
I am in Tours, France right now, after a day of bus driving and castle seeing. Yesterday was our last day in Paris and we went to La Place de la Bastille, La Maison de Victor Hugo, La Quartier Marais (the Jewish section) and city hall as a group. My friend and roommate Forrest and I then went to the crypt at Notre Dame and the Musée d'Orsay. For dinner, most of the group went down to the Seine river and sat on the side and picnicked in front of the Eiffel Tower (pictures to come soon). It was awesome. Today we went to Versailles, which was amazing, and then the Château de Chaumont. We are leaving for Pau tomorrow and stopping at another castle on the way. We should get to Pau around 7:30!

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