
Monday, September 05, 2011

Sitting in a Park in Paris, France

This is my very first post in France! I've been here since Saturday and have gotten eight hours of sleep total thanks to being jetlagged. Last night I went to bed at 1 AM and woke up at 4 AM! The good part about that though is that I went and sat out on the balcony of my hotel room and watched the city wake up. We have been going non-stop essentially since we arrived and we have knocked out the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, the Champs Élysées, the Louvre and Notre Dame among other things. Tomorrow is our last day in Paris before we head out on our two-day bus trip to Pau with stops on the way in Versailles and at other castles.

It is awesome being here and I am so grateful for the opportunity, even if I do miss all of my family and my friends terribly. I am just going to move here (sorry Brianne) because I just love hearing French people speak French. It's so much different than the classroom butchering I am used to for the most part and it gives me something to achieve! I have been working on my own French pretty much non-stop and trying to speak constantly in French as much as I can.

Notre Dame
Tonight we are going on our group dinner which is a three-course meal and it is followed by a nighttime boatride on the Seine (the river that runs through Paris). I am having a blast but I am excited to get to Pau, meet my host family, and get settled for the next four months. I already know this is going to fly by and I am going to take in as much of France and French culture as I can!

Oh and happy Labor Day you silly Americans!

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