Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hello Weather!

It snowed one day! Really early in the season but it was so awesome. I looked out my window and poof! MAGIC! This week Calvin and I started a new thing where we go to Panera and do homework because it happens to have a really good atmosphere for studying. It's not all quiet like a library so you can take frequent study breaks without just spacing out for hours (uhhhh) and it's not too loud that you can't focus (like my room tends to be). In organic chem lab yesterday, I synthesized and purified isopentyl acetate (see picture above). I am also currently reading When you Are Engulfed in Flames by David Sedaris. It's got a different tone than his other works because it deals with a lot of death and dying in the essays. Finally, I'm attending Catholic confirmation classes where a lot of the myths I've been taught about it are being dispelled at lightning speed. Anyway, things are good and I don't remember any interesting tidbits from this week. Ciao!

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