Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rodriguez Week

David sleeping at the hospital the
night of/before Layla was born.
Apparently there's a theme brewing for this week. Yesterday I talked about my love for Layla, now it's time to talk about her father.

Today may be the first day that I have featured David on my blog. David is 1/2 of Layla, so he is 50% responsible for bringing my favorite baby into the world (okay, maybe 49%, I mean Brianne was the one who had to actually grow and then eject the baby [yes, eject]).

David is a musician with a wicked set-up and he recently left his high-paying manager job in order to work for a music company to follow his dreams. It was a risky move but his hard work and dedication made him the fastest intern to ever be hired on a full-time, paid basis.

Another thing that makes him so awesome is being married to my cousin. And what's better is that he asked her in the cutest, most adorable way. It involved a scavenger hunt that started at home, visited a florist, and ended at home, where a path of roses led her to where he was waiting to ask her to marry him. I'm sure Brianne can tell it much better (so when you read this Brianne, you're obligated to comment with the story more specifically). Anyway, I'm super proud of David and I know everyone else who knows him is too. :)

P.S.- He also loves and is able to quote The Office, which is probably the fastest way to win me over. Just so you know.
P.P.S- Sha-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta, sha-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta, sha-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta

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