
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Last Weekend...

Last weekend I spent my days helping clean out, scrub, paint, and refill a room at my aunt's house. It's technically my uncle's room but he wanted to make it more kid-friendly and focused on his two daughters for their stuff and a place for them to play, so my cousin, aunts and mom went over there to help out. My cousin Dustin and I spent most of Saturday scrubbing the walls with Magic Erasers (which are, in fact, pure magic) and the difference was very...apparent. I even wrote my name on the wall in clean. Yes, clean as a medium. The room turned out to be totally awesome. The girls were with my sister all weekend and at the zoo all day on Sunday (which is why they had animal facepaint on), so when they came back to their dad's house, they found us all hiding in their new room, waiting to surprise them. They loved it and Danielle even started to cry she was so happy. Ever since it's been a chore to get them out of there to do anything and poor Danielle has to leave every day for school! It was definitely time well-spent, even if Dustin and I are currently going through nicotine withdrawals that somehow we feel will be abated if we wash some more walls...

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