
Monday, December 26, 2011

Post-Christmas Post

Grandma made Christmas tree
cinnamon rolls
Merry Christmas everyone!! I had a really great day with my family yesterday and it may have been one of the best Christmas' I've ever had. My mom was amazing and got me an iPad (and my sister one too, so we ended up getting almost exactly the same presents) and my secret santa (Aunt Lynnie!) got me a scrapbook for all my photos from France, the complete Harry Potter DVD collection (I absolutely freaked out) and an iTunes gift card to fill up my iPad. My family played Logo for a while, had great food, and I got to run around with crazy Layla for about half an hour, which completely drained me. My little 6-year old cousin Danielle was so cute and wanted to get a birthday cake for Jesus, so we got a cake that said "Happy Birthday Jesus" and after dinner (well, technically lunch because my cousin Dustin had to go to work) we lit a candle, sang happy birthday and let the two girls blow out the candles. It was so adorable and meaningful and just shows what naturally generous and considerate souls they have.
Christmas sunset in the desert

I also found out that I got a 3.9 for the semester, 4 A's and 2 A-'s. Aweeesome! As far as the blog goes this week, at the end of every post will be a music video from a song I'm digging right now, so the last week of 2011 will be A Week of Music. Enjoy!

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