
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Surprise, Brianne!

Surprise, I'm in California!! I only told certain people I was coming and Brianne was not one of them. It was really hard to keep this secret since I tell her everything and packing up my life four six months is not something I could easily hide from her! Many times, I was seconds away from sending a text that would have alerted her to the situation, but I came out of those clear. Yesterday was Stephon's 8th birthday so we took him to Mulligan's (a golf/go-kart/game/lasertag place, you know the type). My mom planned it out where we would get to my cousin's early and then surprise! I'm there. And it worked perfectly. What was even better was that her brother and sister-in-law were there so I got to surprise them too!

Also, this.

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