
Tuesday, July 05, 2011

My Five Shopping Rules

On one hand, I love shopping. On the other, I hate shopping. I am a fast shopper, I get in, get what I need, and get out. When I go clothes shopping, I have a few rules I stick by in order to make the most of my trip and my wardrobe.
  1. Don't leave with something you don't love on you! You'll never wear it and won't feel comfortable in it, so even something that people think you look good in, will end up looking awkward. 
  2. If you like something, make sure you try it on. You might find that you fall in love with an item you were so-so about or find that it's not right for your body type. 
  3. Make use of sales. Waiting with be worth it when you can multiply what you got without multiplying the price. Plus you can take that waiting time to decide whether that item will really work into your wardrobe or if it's an impulse buy. I went clothes shopping last month and saved 50% on what I got because I got sale items. It. was. awesome. 
  4. Buy items that are interchangeable with other parts of your wardrobe. Use the same belt, same shoulder cover-up, same skirt, etc. in different ways in the store so you can go home with cohesive purchases that will work in multiple ways. 
  5. Have a clear idea of what you're looking for so you don't get bogged down. For example, I wanted long skirts/maxi dresses to use and layer and a pair of sandals to replace the ones my dog ate so I could focus on what I needed and wade through all the random stuff that looks cute but isn't what I wanted. 
So these are all pretty simple but they're really helpful! At least for me and other people who like new stuff and not the time it takes to get it! :) 

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