
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wait for the Onion.

My mom took us out to Tokyo Steakhouse this weekend, which is benihana/hibachi/whatever it's name is. I get benihana from The Office, hibachi from the menu. Anyway, it was my sister Christa's first time (she's the one with the strange, poofy hair) at a place like that so she had no idea what to expect. Apparently they also make their drinks really strong there because everyone who got on had a very hard time getting it down. Since I don't drink, my Dr. Pepper flowed smooth and free.

(Continued after the jump...)

The guy who did the magic cooking wasn't actually Asian (disappoint? A bit) but he was very funny and apparently my sister knew him through some tangled tree of "he dated my ex" or something like that. Anywho, it was fun and resulted in tons of leftovers, although they didn't do the egg trick or flip vegetables into our mouths like other similar restaurants have done.

You know, I'm eating a box of Sour Patch Watermelons and they aren't sour at all. Not in the slightest. Sad face.

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