
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Back in Mass + Broken Car

I arrived back in Massachusetts after a red-eye flight at 9 AM yesterday. The flights were okay, although the first one was late so I had to run to catch the second one. I was so exhausted by the time I got on the plane at 11 that I fell asleep as soon as I sat down and when I woke up I would have sworn in a court of law that we hadn't taken off and we were just sitting at the gate still. It took me a long time to realize that I was actually really high in the air and going extremely fast.

More importantly though, at around 9 PM last night, I really wanted a milkshake and some sparkling cider so Cal drove me to Burger King and then to Wal-Mart. They didn't have any sparkling cider so we got some cheese, macaroni & cheese (Velveeta, of course), and some Dr. Pepper and were ready to leave when suddenly, Cal's car wouldn't start! And neither of us had our phones. Now everything here closes at 9 or 10 PM and all the stores were closed where we were except for Wal-Mart. We went in to call his dad but had to borrow an employee's cell-phone, who graciously offered, because you can only make local calls from there. Unfortunately, there was still no starting of the car. After some debate and running through options, we just decide to walk home, not wanting to spend money on a taxi or having any way to find a company to contact, and not knowing when or if another bus would come the rest of the time.

An hour and a half later, we got to my apartment and realized we walked 2.8 miles in the dark in some not-so-well-lit areas. But while we were walking we were focusing on the positives of the situation so we wouldn't get dejected:

  1. It wasn't raining or snowing. 
  2. It wasn't too hot. In fact the night was just beautiful.
  3. We were getting in some quality, up-hill exercise. 
  4. We were in a safe part of town. 
  5. We were able to spend some quality alone-time together. 
The map above is a screenshot of our route. The drive is normally 10-15 minutes depending on traffic but the walk in the dark was almost 6 times that! Crazy. Luckily though, Cal's car started today so he was able to drive it back to my apartment and make an appointment with the dealer and someone from my church was able to take me to the grocery store to get food so we don't starve. I love my church! People are so nice and always willing to help you out. Even though it was late, if I had a phone I know at least 10 people would have been willing to come get us. 

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