
Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Last Day of Classes

Today marked the last day of classes for the spring semester and my time as a junior. In four papers, I will officially be a senior, graduating and heading out into the real world this time next year. Can anyone say... grad school?! No but really, it's really great to be almost finished with college and I couldn't imagine a better place to spend it in. Moving to Amherst has probably been one of the best decisions of my life, even though I miss Boston all the time, and my family, and occasionally even Berkeley. I have met so many people and have felt more at home here than any other place I've been. So thank you, all of my new friends who I've met and my old friends who have managed to keep in touch against the odds.

Above is a photo of a big celebration UMass was having today. There was free food and a bunch of blow up obstacle courses, including the kind with the dumbbell/q-tip things you fight each other with, and the race where you wear a vest that's tied to the back of the course. It was very reminiscent of robotics competitions in LA (AMBER! You wouldn't get this reference because you and Brian and Sabrina went to the Bodies exhibit instead of going to the social).

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